University of the Philippines law professor disconcerted by Corona


Just three days in office, Corona kept up his media blitz by appearing live in two more shows Wednesday morning to defend his appointment against constitutional questions and to reach out to Aquino.

Corona’s string of TV and radio appearances in a span of two days has disconcerted members of the legal circle such as University of the Philippines law professor Theodore Te.

By Te’s reckoning, it is the first time in memory that a Chief Justice is engaging in sit-down interviews when judicial propriety demands that magistrates shun the limelight to avoid undue influence.

Te pointed out that not even then Chief Justice Artemio Panganiban—who was seen as the most media-accessible magistrate—took Corona’s route of appearing in talk shows and news programs.

This is because the high court is supposed to speak through its written decisions and opinions, “and not through its spokesperson or even its Chief Justice,” said Te, a human rights lawyer.



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